Wednesday, September 3, 2014

SDA appointment date!!!!!!!!!

YES!!!!!! we got our date :)) We were expecting to hear last week and didn't and then the first of this week and didn't and when our agency got to investigating they found out the lady that issues the dates is on vacation till next week Monday and then of course will be backed up and we didn't know when we would finally hear! That was yesterday..... now today when we were trying to decide what to do about all of our papers that are fixing to start expiring, we called the agency for advise and she stutters around a little and then finally says, we have a tentative appointment date for you but, it may be too soon. Excuse me!! too soon?? Yesterday wouldn't be too soon LOL She said she would have confirmation in a couple hours. So 15 minutes later she calls back and said appointment is confirmed for September 11 and we need to fly out on Tuesday, less than a week!!! So now I panic, scream, cry, gulp, laugh, jump up and down with Peyton and then just sit there and try to let it sink in!! BTW I told Bill just yesterday that I had given up and didn't think this adoption was going to work out, so I had a long ways to come from that mindset to leaving in 5 days HA Don't ask me what all happened between yesterday and today, but I'll accept it and run! :-)
Now just a few more drama filled days and then on to the REAL adventure!!!! Stay tuned the best is just around the corner :))


  1. Amazing. I'm panicking, jumping for joy, and gulping with you. :) Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Exciting!!!! Waiting to here more!!!!

  3. Awesomely exciting indeed! Be waiting for updates!

  4. Wishing you JOY!,wisdom, patience, and whatever else you will need!!!!

  5. That's awesome! Hopefully by the time you get there you can take a deep breath and enjoy the trip. Until then, though -- run, run, run!

  6. Hey we'd love to hear how it's all working out!
