Thursday, August 22, 2013

Disappointing News

Was hanging on to a slim thread of hope that Kaz would make their formal re-opening announcement after they heard the sentence for the Worcester couple found guilty of raping their adopted children, but alas the sentencing was postponed for over a month!! :(
All is well that ends well, but just wish the 'ending well' would be sooner rather than later!

In the meantime we are ATTEMPTING to learn Russian!! Oh, but it is SO hard :-( There are some sounds you can repeat and repeat after the tutor and you just simply can't make your mouth contort to such strange sounds!!  Decided to try and learn the alphabet so we will be able to read (like menus :) etc. when out and about in Kaz and also learning phrases that we will use in public and also to be able to talk to this little boy of ours that has never heard English. THEN if time permits, which at this rate looks like it might, will try delving into more of the nitty gritty part of it. So watch out if I start babbling off some indiscernible guttural, grunts and hisses next time I see you, I haven't gone mental LOL

1 comment:

  1. We've started learning Russian as well. The hubby already knew a few words, because he had Russian friends in high school who taught him a little. For me, it was more of a challenge -- a few times I would blurt out in frustration, "This is too many consonants for my Italian mouth!" Thankfully, it became easier with time.

    We've had a lot of luck with Pimsleur. We've even used our Russian at the Russian Deli in our area, to order and thank them and make small talk. The ladies there are very nice and know about our adoption plan.
