Friday, December 6, 2013

Turmoil :(

Have been wanting to post an update, but hasn't been a lot to post about, until... this week. Our lawyer contacted us and said he saw red flags in the adoption.. NOT what one wants to hear!! The boyfriend/husband which is the father of the baby does not want to adopt it out and he has been putting a lot of pressure on Carol to back out. Carol has been out of state for over a month staying with her mother who had a stroke and was paralyzed, she is under a lot of stress the way it is and then to have pressure from her husband has been very difficult for her! She doesn't feel like they can give it the life she would like for it and still wants to go through with the adoption, but..... As much as we liked Carol and would love to have her baby we have the other side of the coin that if the father wants his baby, no matter if it's not the ideal circumstances we don't want to stand in his way! I think that would forever haunt me, and I would feel like we 'stole' it!!  And to think sensibly down the road who's to say she won't back out after she has it and the father has held it and fallen in love with it??? It would be a lot easier to accept now!! Our lawyer feels like it's too risky of a situation and we should move on and be matched with another mother. Our lawyer says it's possible a mother will come to him later in her pregnancy and we could be matched with her and not have to wait so long, which would be a plus not to have to start with a mother who is barely pg and wait 7-8 months again!
So for now we are TRYING to just relax and wait on God to open a door for us... I know it will all work out in the end, but it's the 'in the mean time' that isn't fun wading through! :(


  1. Oh, my. So Sorry to hear this... but I agree with you that God will work it out - what's best for you ALL!

  2. Just wanted you to know we care and have been think'n of ya'll!
    Love, Steve & Kate, Brendan, Jenna

  3. Oh Steph so sorry for all this yucky stuff... I so understand. We had a situation that was hard to just lay it aside & hope & pray for the next best. It will Happen when God wants it to Happen. Just hard to have patience. I will pray you can have lots of patience & peace about your decision. Love you... Sharon
