Monday, September 8, 2014

Going Private

So it's the last day before we leave! I'm waiting on this last load of wash to finish drying so I can pack a few more clothes and zip these big bags up and set them by the door! And then I'm ready to GO! I'm tired of this waiting around and hours dragging into days and stomach churning:) let's just get gone and get the show on the road! Oh I wish we could fast forward to next Monday and just skip over the looooong flight, jet lag, grueling SDA appointment where we are required to PICK a child that will be ours for the rest of our lives and then wait for an entire 3 days before we can even see the child!!! So much waiting and unknowns! :(((

For obvious reasons I am making this blog private and will need to know who is reading it, so if I haven't sent you an invite and you want to follow this part of our journey shoot me an email and if you pass the criteria of a most loyal, loving friend that is always supportive and makes lots of comments on blogs, and knows the importance of not sharing any of the very sensitive information that will be posted about the child then I will add you to the 'invited readers' list! :)


  1. Can't wait to hear about the next exciting step of this journey!!!

  2. I don't think I've ever commented here but I've been following along for a while, as my husband and I are talking about adopting from Ukraine. I understand your need to go private, but I hope you will open your blog back up after you return home. My curiosity will be killing me while you're gone!

  3. My thoughts will be leaping over the waters to Ukraine many times during the next couple weeks! I will be praying for you. Safe and happy travels!!!!!!!!

  4. Will be waiting to hear the good news!! Good Luck!!

  5. Hey Steph don't think I've ever commented but have been reading your blog for awhile...wish u all the best I'm SO excited for ya'll!!!

  6. I'd love to be invited to your blog....
    ....another Ukrainian....

  7. Can't wait to hear bout your new Lil one :-) prayin .... Luv ya...

  8. Hi, Steph!! Been following your blog for a little now. So EXCITED for you...can't wait to hear bout your precious little one you are about to meet!!!

  9. Hey Bill and Steph! Waiting to hear the news from yall! We are excited that you have finally gotten this far on your journey!

  10. Wish you all the best! Our prayers will go with ya'll and will look forward to meeting member #4 or your family!

  11. I'm so excited for you, Bill, Steph, & Pey!!! I have to admit it tugs at my heart strings to be so far away now:) my thots & prayers r with u
