Sunday, September 21, 2014

Random Ramblings

This will be a very random collection of things I want to jot down for my own memory:)

Pey woke up in the night wanting a drink, so went to fridge and asked him want he wanted.. pop ( a 2 liter of pop is only .75$ here although the selection only consists of Pepsi, Fanta- orange, Sprite and the same 3 in the store brand) juice, milk or water? He just started crying and said Mama it just all tastes so funny I don't want any of those things! BTW he chose water if that gives you any hint of how "funny" it does taste :) When we get back to America will we remember just how strange everything tasted, smelled and was here??? :-) :-(
The first thing Pey said this morning when he woke up was.. ONE MORE DAY, ONLY ONE MORE DAY MAMA!!! I must have looked a little blank because he said You know mama only one more day till we know if we can get my little brother! :) Ahh yes very much realize it's only one more day, but guess I didn't realize he was counting too! HA
After finding a few more things yesterday at the market I made baked oatmeal for breakfast this morning and dear friends it actually turned out and was GOOD!!! I was so impressed if you looked close after my first bite you may have seen tears! :) It was a bit of a gamble because I wasn't completely sure the baking powder wasn't cornstarch and haven't been able to find any vanilla and of course there are no measuring cups or spoons here so had to try and put equivalent amounts in according to recipe using the same coffee cup. And then baked it in a big bowl since didn't find a 'greased 8x8 glass pan' in the cupboard here:) and THEN the thermometer on the gas stove doesn't work and the temps are all wore off the knob, so the baking temp and time was more guessing!! :) do you see why the simple act of making baked oatmeal and it actually turning out produced great satisfaction?? :)
After being out and about here I'm VERY thankful our apartment has the luxury of being able to flush the toilet paper! You have to pay for most toilets here and then you have to put your nasty gross toilet paper in the basket beside the toilet... want any more details? Probably wouldn't have had to write that one down for me to remember LOL
The children here are very well behaved and small children seem very secure and content, it is striking difference from home. You never here mothers hollering at their kids and the children all play very nicely with each other when we are at park, playground etc. You can tell the children are very much loved here and don't get the feeling that they are nuisance and interfering with the parents life like you do at home sometimes!
There are lots of  tables sitting around outside and often there will be older men sitting around playing chess, checkers, cards, etc. I'm sure the beautiful weather has more people outside, but it seems to be lots of people out and about at all times of the day.
The women, of course do the high heels here. Still amazes me even in this region of dirt walks, and big cracks in the sidewalks they do have they continue to speed along in those spikes!
Children dress up to go to school! It is not uncommon to see the boys walking to school in the morning with suits and black or navy dress shoes. The girls would wear tights or hose and dress shoes and usually skirt/blouse or something similarly dressy.
You very seldom see 'strange' looking people... the men/boys all have decent haircuts and dress very 'normal' and the women would do their hair and wear makeup, but not any of the wild stuff to make you stand out, no tatoos that sort of thing. Of course very few overweight people. Not sure if its culture, lack of money or just what all contributes?
It is VERY dirty here!!! lots and lots of dirt everywhere and the little bit of grass there is, is not mowed. Have found that a lot of the buildings are nicer inside than out, everything looks very old and dilapidated  on the outside, but some of them have been updated inside.
We met a family from Savannah, GA that is adopting from this region. We went out for supper with them the other night and I think they are more country bumpkins than we are even! :)) IF he has been out of his county think it would be safe to say he's never been out of Georgia, so they have been having quite some shocks trying to adjust!! :) They have 4 bio girls with the middle having Downs and now they are here adopting a 10 year old Downs plus cerebral palsy girl. She is in a wheelchair and doesn't even talk! She is a real cutie and seems to be a sweetheart, but me thinks they are some brave parents! And they have NOT had a smooth adoption either! Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, but they have great attitude and smiling their way through it :) Hoping to be with them again soon.
My turn for the shower so will have to add more later as I think of them...

1 comment:

  1. Ok Bill Steph & Pey! It's so good to hear all this! And it's not blah! It's amazing! I wish you much courage & direction in the coming days:) my thoughts & prayers will be with you! Tell Pey that Nana's Ang loves him:)
